For example, a naturally occurring family conversation at dinner may be the perfect setting for a parent to recount and testify of specific blessings he or she received during the course of relatively routine activities that day. And a testimony need not always begin with the phrase 'I bear you my testimony.' Our witness can be declared as simply as 'I know I was blessed with inspiration at work today' or 'The truth in this scripture always has been a powerful source of direction for me.' Similar opportunities to bear testimony also can arise while traveling together in a car or bus or in a multitude of other settings.
The reactions of children to such impromptu testimony bearing and their eagerness or reluctance to participate are potent sources of spiritual early warning signals. A child’s expression about a lesson learned in family scripture study or a candid statement of concern about a gospel principle or practice can be most illuminating and help parents better understand a child’s specific question or needs. Such discussions—especially when parents are as eager to listen intently as they are to talk—can foster a supportive and secure environment in the home and encourage ongoing communication about difficult topics."
--Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles