Homemade Grape Juice

I told Steven that I would love some grape juice and so the cute man ran to the store to get me some. However, it became quite the challenge to find "legit" grape juice that wasn't loaded with sugar. So, Steven came home with the fixins to make our own grape juice. It is sooo good! Here is the recipe we used. Disclaimer: We don't know how other blenders would work, but we can recommend the Blendtec. It is the "Whole Juice" setting on the Blendtec.

Homemade Sweet Grape Juice (no juicer required)

1-2 lbs red grapes (our bag of grapes was closer to 2 lbs)
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup sugar

*Fill BlendTec with grapes (depending on size of blender will depend on the amount of grapes). 

*Add water and sugar. 

*Blend all ingredients in BlendTec or blender. 

*Strain pulp if desired. (We'd recommend it!)

*Serve Chilled.

Makes over 32 oz. Enjoy!